Monday 19 July 2010

A little bit of China

My visits to china over the last couple of years have really inspired me so I thought I would make a an image using photos I have collected while there.

Learning HTML

After frustration of not being able to do what I want to do with my website and rather than let someone else have the fun of building it, I have decided to start learnign HTML.
Having not done anything like this before it is all a little daunting. But I have been using a great book called Head first HTML which explains things on level that I can understand. would recommend it for any one wanting to get there hands dirty in code.

haha, you won't realise this but I just posted this image using html, worked it out by myself, and am now feeling rather proud of myself!

Friday 9 July 2010

nice super mario video

Video by Andreas Heikaus for his Bachelor thesis at the University of Applied science and art Hannover. Really like the accessibly of the video, looks really low tech and approachable, yet has a bit more complexity to it.
in my opinnion the best films are always the most apparently simple yet have a hidden layer of complexity.

Thursday 8 July 2010

My own mao.

In response to my trip to China I felt like I should produce my own tirbute to this great symbol for modern China.

Saturday 3 July 2010


Mao Tse-tung is more that just a historical figure, he is the uniting symbol of China, remaining the face of China as it grows into a world super power.
On going to China I decided to collect images of Chairman Mao in as many situations as possible, whether it be on clocks or statues. I hope to continue this collection in the years to come. If you have any to add to it feel free to let me know and I would love to add it to my collection.

The start of the blog

This is the beginning of my first blog since completing my degree. My hope is that this should provide me a place to collate interesting things that I have found from various sources, as well as publish some of my latest work, or quick ideas I have which maybe I wouldn't put on my main site.
And hopefully a few of you out in the vast expanse of the internet, full of designer's blogs may find this one a little bit interesting.